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Deterministic schedules for robust and reproducible non-uniform sampling in multidimensional NMR, M. T. Eddy, Ruben, D., Griffin, R. G., and Herzfeld, J., , Journal of Magnetic Resonance, vol. 214, pp. 296–301, 2012.
Lipid Dynamics and Protein–Lipid Interactions in 2D Crystals Formed with the β-Barrel Integral Membrane Protein VDAC1, M. T. Eddy, Ong, T. - C., Clark, L., Teijido, O., van der Wel, P. C. A., Garces, R., Wagner, G., Rostovtseva, T. K., and Griffin, R. G., , Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, pp. 6375–6387, 2012.
Selectively dispersed isotope labeling for protein structure determination by magic angle spinning NMR, M. T. Eddy, Belenky, M., Sivertsen, A. C., Griffin, R. G., and Herzfeld, J., , Journal of Biomolecular NMR, vol. 57, pp. 129–139, 2013.
Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel Gating in Two-Dimensional Lipid Crystalline Bilayers, M. T. Eddy, Andreas, L., Teijido, O., Su, Y., Clark, L., Noskov, S. Y., Wagner, G., Rostovtseva, T. K., and Griffin, R. G., , Biochemistry, vol. 54, pp. 994–1005, 2015.
Lipid bilayer-bound conformation of an integral membrane beta barrel protein by multidimensional MAS NMR, M. T. Eddy, Su, Y., Silvers, R., Andreas, L., Clark, L., Wagner, G., Pintacuda, G., Emsley, L., and Griffin, R. G., , Journal of Biomolecular NMR, vol. 61, pp. 299–310, 2015.