DNP Simulation Package


DNPSOUP: a numerical simulation software for dynamic nuclear polarization.


DNPSOUP (Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Simulation Optimized with a Unified Propagator), employs a novel analytical theory to treat the time evolution of density operator under the effect of both coherent Hamiltonians and stochastic relaxation effect. Such an approach makes easy the aggregation of DNP pulse sequence components. This facilitated separating the underlying quantum mechanical calculations from simulation settings, resulted in both an intuitive user interface and straightforward customization. 


DNPSOUP is a command-line software written in C++. It accepts JSON input and generates plaintext results. A graphical user interface is also provided to assist input file generation.

Please  cite  this  article  as:  C.  Yang,  K.  Ooi  Tan,  R.G.  Griffin,  DNPSOUP:  A  simulation  software  package  fordynamic  nuclear  polarization, Journal   of   Magnetic   Resonance  (2021),  doi:


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